Prometen y mucho, es algo que se detecta desde los primeros segundos del tema empiezan a combinar. Podra sonaros un poco a The xx, quizás a Beach House pero no!! Tienen nombre propio y son CATHEDRALS.

Poco sabemos de este duo de San Francisco con más de 100000 vistas tan solo la primera semana, y que ya cuenta con más de 158000 en su cuarta semana en Soundcloud. Y desde Gamma Lab os prometemos que no es para menos.

They promise and a lot, this is something which you can detect while the first seconds of the track start to combine. They can seem a little bit like The xx, or maybe a Beach House but no!! They have a proper name and they are CATHEDRALS.

Little things we now about this San Francisco duo with more than 100000 views in just one week, and that already has more than 158000 during his fourth week in Soundcloud. From Gamma Lab we promise you that that is understandable. 


Su primer single y único, hasta el momento, se llama Unbound y es toda una pieza!

Una melodía deliciosamente armoniosa en la que destaca una tímida guitarra durante los primeros 40 segundos del track que promete elevarte si cierras los ojos. A medida que transcurre el single, los efectos del indie electronic y dream pop se hacen mas patentes.
«When you come around, I’ll nurse you back to pieces» nos cantan a modo de estribillo Brodie Jenkins y Johnny Hwin, ellos son los artistas detrás de CATHEDRALS.

His first and only single, until the date, it’s called «Unbound» and it’s a masterpiece! You’ll see…

A melody delightfully harmonious in which a shy guitar stands out during the first 40 seconds of the track that will elevate you if you close your eyes. At the same time that the single goes on, the effects of indie electronic and dream pop start to be more obvious.

«When you come around, I’ll nurse you back in pieces» they sing us during the chorus Brodie Jenkins and Johnny Hwin, they are the artists behind CATHEDRALS

Recordad que nos podeis seguir en la cuenta de Twitter: @itsgammalab y también en Facebook: Gamma Lab

Remember you can follow us in Twitter: @itsgammalab and also in Facebook: Gamma Lab

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